Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Baby Boy is Rollin'

OK - so remember a while ago? I told you about how I get all freaked out watching Chad and Anthony race. Well, there is a perfectly good reason I get all freaked out. And I knew it would eventually happen, Anthony rolled his car.

The exit to the track runs along the back stretch just before turn 3 and is separated from the track by a berm, so if they drive too high on the track they can go over the berm and onto the exit.

I'm not sure how it happened, but Anthony was high on the track, somehow him and others got tangled up, and Anthony went over the berm, rolled twice and landed on his roof in the middle of the exit. I couldn't see the whole thing happen, because the berm was too high, but I saw enough of it to FREAK OUT. As soon as I saw Anthony getting tangled up, I was up and out of my seat. When he rolled over the first time, I was headed down the bleachers. Kaylynn decided that she would try to calm me down (yeah right) by holding my arm and telling me he would be OK. I finally had to yell at her to let go of my arm so I could continue with my freaking out as I was running as fast as I could with Sharon right behind me to the entrance of the track. Luckily by the time we reached the track, Anthony was out of the car and waving his big long arms above his head to the crowd. He knew his mom and wife would be worried and wanted to let us know he was OK. We stood there and watched while they flipped his car back over and then he got back into his car and they pushed him off the track with the tow truck. I tried to take pictures of them pushing him off, but I was still shaking so much that I couldn't get the shot.

Thankfully, Anthony came out of this OK. His shoulders are bruised from the seat belts, but he is otherwise OK. His car is messed up but that's replaceable, my baby boy is not.

Super Monkey

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's slippery swine catchin, rock climbing Monkey -
What can I say? I have the best slippery swine catching grand-daughter EVER....This makes three out of four years that Kristy has been the WINNER. This girl KNOWS how to catch slippery pigs! She was in a group of 5, her and FOUR boys. And, she was wearing flip-flops, so she had to stop and put them back on because they fell off. She still got in there and showed those boys how it's done. Way to go Kristy!! You are awesome.
Then, she wasn't done showing off her strategic athletic abilities. She wanted to show us how to climb a rock wall. She got 2 tries to get to the top of a 25' wall and ring the bell. She didn't get very high on the first try, but that just made her more determined to do it. She just kicked off her flip flops and Christopher gave up his shoes and off she went to the top. She got stuck about half way up so she studied up and down the wall and finally made her plan. She got a grip in sight, used her legs and jumped up to grab the next handle and pulled herself up till she could get her footing. I was so amazed. Not only is she tough, but she is so smart, she planned that like a pro. I asked her afterwards if she was scared. She said "Yeah, I'm still shaking". I love that girl!