Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Adventures at the DMV

I had to go to the DMV to renew my license plates today. I dread this chore, which is probably why I waited until my plates had been expired for 27 days before even attempting to get it done. The place is usually packed and I always know that I'm going to be waiting for about 3 months for my turn.

Even though the parking lot wasn't that full, and inside there were still empty chairs, I was glad that I took my book. At least I would have something to do while I waited. As it turned out, I didn't even need my book.

Right after I sat down and started reading, I heard a man say " did you say Faith Hill?". I didn't look up and I really didn't give it much thought, I just figured maybe someone had told him about a concert or something. A few minutes later, an older, spunky couple sat down in the chairs in front of me. I was still reading, but I heard the man say "G" and his wife said "Grace Kelly". Right then, I knew what was going on and I closed my book so I could hear. " Gidget, Gene Autrey, George Forman, Gwen Dahl D-A-H-L" By now I was smiling. I love this game. And I love it even more when two cute old people are playing it at the DMV where I can eves drop. "Goldie Hawn" she said, "Goldilocks" he said with a smirk.

After a few minutes with no more names that started with a G, I opened my book again. "H" the man said and the game was back on. "Heather Locklier, Hale Berry, Hope Blaine". That's about as far as they got when a lady yelled " number twenty four". Shoot, that was my number and this was just getting good.

#11 for picture #11

Isn't it fitting that my number 11 picture is Anthony my number 11 racing child. Only here, he is not racing his car at the track. Him and Brandon were racing Chad and Zachary on the four wheelers around the yard.