Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Chistmas Story (kind of) (ok, not so much)

It was a little later than I intended when I went out to feed the horses this morning.  It was still  beautiful out, but it was getting pretty light, and the fog was already starting to lift.
We don't normally have frost here, so I noticed the frozen dew right away as the lawn crunched when I walked across it. The cold tempratures and humidity from several days of rain had coated everything in a beautiful layer of Christmas morning white.

 The gate was frozen, not solid, but just enough to keep the latch from easily lifting. And when I looked down to open it, I noticed that it wasn't just the lawn that had frosted.

I ran back in the house to grab my camera.
 I was so surpirsed at all the spider webs.
 Kristy and I tried all summer to get good pictures of spider webs.

 I often complain that there isn't anything pretty enough to take pictures of  during the winter in the desert. And then Christmas morning I get this.

Merry Christmas!